Why does the phone work slower in winter? Did you know that the cold can completely disable your phone?

One of the curiosities of mobile phones is that it doesn't matter if they are newer or older, high-performance or not as powerful; in winter they work worse and slower. This applies to all mobile phones, and it is at this time of year and on cold days.
This has the main reason, which is cold or low temperatures. This greatly affects the performance of your mobile phone, its screen, and its batteries. That is why one of the main problems caused by low temperatures in mobile phones is related to their operation, which can be slower than usual.
Cold weather makes your phone slower.
Low temperatures in winter can have many consequences for your mobile phone, and the first thing that can happen is that it starts to work very slowly because the cold affects the speed of processing tasks. In addition, it will cost you more to use because the screen responds less when you touch it with your fingers in low temperatures. It will also drain the battery very quickly, or in the case of extreme temperatures, it can stop working altogether.
Since the cold causes battery problems and this can also affect your device’s performance, it affects your phone doubly by making it slower. Especially when the temperatures drop below zero, and the lower they are, the worse. So, in the winter, you may see that your smartphone is slow or unresponsive at first.
It’s not that you’ve been using it for a long time or that it’s defective or that you’ll have to change it; the reason is the cold that usually occurs in the fall and winter months, which affects your device more than you can imagine. If you haven’t noticed it before, it doesn’t mean anything because it probably wasn’t that cold or you probably didn’t notice it very much. In addition, high-end mobile phones may have sensors that turn them off directly when they reach certain temperatures to protect against potential damage that may be irreparable.
To avoid this, the only thing you can do is not let the cold affect it, either by using it in areas where the temperature is not too low or by finding a way to warm it up without causing damage. A good idea might be to buy a phone case that will keep you warm or prevent the cold from affecting you. For example, you can try a drop-resistant thermal case to take with you wherever you go to avoid your phone getting cold and freezing, like this one from SAFACUS that you can buy in different colors.