AMD Driver Update Tool (+ How to Use It)
AMD Driver Update Tool (+ How to Use It)
Download and install the AMD Driver Update Tool (+ How to use it)
AMD driver update utility helps you install GPU and CPU drivers
The AMD driver update utility is an innovative software program specifically designed to determine your computer's specifications in order to provide you with compatible drivers.
You can easily download the AMD driver update app through their official website.
Browse the article below to learn about the full installation of the software, its setup, and how to use it.
To fix various computer issues, we recommend DriverFix:
This software will keep your drivers running, thus protecting you from common computer errors and hardware failures. Check all your drivers now in 3 easy steps:
Download DriverFix (verified download file).
Click Start Scan to find all problematic drivers.
Click Update drivers to get new versions and avoid system crashes.
DriverFix was downloaded by 488,554 readers this month.
Updating your AMD driver is a popular utility that identifies graphics cards, chipsets, and the current Windows version of your PC.
Once this program has determined the specifications of your computer, it directly downloads the most compatible and latest driver packages to your system so that all you have to do is install them.
Can I download an AMD driver update utility on my computer?
Users of the following versions of Windows can easily download our AMD driver update tool to install the latest AMD drivers on their PC directly:
Windows 10 version 1809 64-bit and other versions.
Windows 11 version 21H2 and other versions.
If you meet the following criteria, you can easily download our AMD driver update tool by following the instructions below.
If you don't have any of the above versions of Windows installed on your computer, don't worry because you can still install the latest AMD drivers without any software.
How Do I Download and Set Up an AMD Driver Update Utility?
Once the download is done, enter the Downloads folder on your computer and double-click on the downloaded file to install the app.
Once you run the installation file, the AMD driver update utility will run automatically and check your computer's compatibility.
If you are installing AMD drivers manually or failing to install them, you can check out our guide to fix the error of installing AMD graphics driver on Windows 11.
How do I use AMD driver tool?
Open the AMD Auto-Detect and Install Tool application.
On the home screen, enter the System tab.
You can also view the optional drivers and the latest recommended driver packages for individual GPUs selected in the system under the AMD Software Installer - Radeon Graphics section.
Within the AMD Chipset Drivers section, you'll come across a list of components that meet the criteria for updating with a checkmark. In order to ensure complete installation, it is recommended to check all the options.
Now you no longer need to look for and install the latest drivers manually; just download and set up our AMD driver update utility. Once you have run the tool on your computer, you should run simple installations to get the latest and most compatible drivers.
We hope this guide will help you familiarize yourself with our AMD driver update tool by all means. Don't tell us in the comments section below if you have more questions.
Still having issues? Fix them with this tool:
If the above tips don't solve your problem, your computer may encounter deeper Windows problems. We recommend downloading the Computer Repair Tool (rated large on to process it easily. After installation, simply click on the Start Scan button and then press Repair All.