Google Adsense – How much do you earn from ads? Google Adsense:

Google Adsense – How much do you earn from ads? Google Adsense:

Contextual advertising earnings. How to make money from contextual ads Google Adsense More than usual How to make money on Google Adsense contextual ads More than usual

Easy money? Well, let's say, not easy, but real. Google 's AdSense service is a great learning opportunity for small, medium and large websites . AdSense displays promotional materials about products and services related to the content of your website, which are targeted at regular visitors. You, in turn, receive a small amount for each ad impression or user clicking on the ad. Today we offer you several ways to increase your earnings from AdSense.

Create an ad
  1. How to develop your own advertising company How much can you earn?
  2. Large sites with heavy traffic can get up to a million views per day, while a small blog is lucky to get at least 100 visitors per day.
  3. For every 1000 views, you earn from $ 0.05 to $ 5. Of course, this is a huge range of values, and if you take into account the monthly period, then this amount can range from $ 1.50 to $ 150.00! At what level of earnings your site will have depends largely on you, the site itself and your efforts in promoting it.
  4. By Click-Through Rate (CTR). This is the percentage of the total number of visitors to your site and the number of visitors who clicked on your ad. If 100 people visit your site and one of them clicks on your ad, your CTR is 1%, which is a normal indicator. You will be able to see a real difference as your website traffic increases. Revenue Per 1,000 Impressions (RPM). This is an estimate of how much you can earn for 1,000 impressions (page views).
  5. For example, if you earn $1 for every 100 impressions, your RPM will be $10. This number is not a guaranteed income, but based on the RPM, you can evaluate the overall performance of your site.
  6. Content is everything. The quality of your content is a major factor in predicting your earning potential. If your site provides rich, interesting content and an easy-to-use user interface, you will have more interested users. This will also make it easier for them to find the most relevant ad content on your website faster. Interested users + targeting = your formula for successful earnings!
  7. Create keyword-rich pages. Place carefully selected, profitable keywords at a certain density on your optimized pages and you will get natural, high-quality backlinks to your site.
If your site is about topics like debt consolidation, web hosting, or asbestos cancer, you will earn much more than if your site is “offering free puppies to good hands.”
If you focus only on high-paying keywords, you will face stiff competition. What you need are keywords that are in high demand but in very low supply. Therefore, you need to do a thorough keyword analysis to optimize your pages. Although Google does not disclose the exact details on which the content of ads on a particular page is based, the system’s rules state that ads are based on the textual content of the page, but not on the meta tags.

Quality is the most important thing for any site. If your site does not have decent quality content, chances are that a visitor who came to your site once may not come back again. Some webmasters design completely new sites specifically for AdSense text ads, however, this is against the rules of the AdSense system, which prohibits creating sites completely under AdSense, especially since you may go to put a few affiliate links or sell your own product.

A great way to make money is to use traffic generating sites like Flixya. You can sign up for Google Adsense and Flixya without the time and money required to drive traffic or create your own website.
Don’t use non-English characters on English pages – there is a bug that causes inappropriate French ads to be displayed.

Google places a lot of restrictions on displaying ads. One of the main reasons for an account being banned is setting up ad blocks in a way that makes visitors think they are “content”. To be clear, never try to use CSS to hide the Google logo unless you have official permission!
In the early days of the Internet, you could see a request to click on ads on sites. Times have changed and now if Google finds any possible action, similar to fraud, your account will be banned, since there is no presumption of innocence here.
If your site does not have content, Google will have to guess what your page is about. In this case, the system may incorrectly determine the topic, and inappropriate ads will be displayed on the page.
Do not click on ads on your site. If Google finds out that you are doing this, your account will be suspended and all the money you earn will be withheld. However, if you accidentally click on your ad several times, Google will keep the money earned from these clicks, and there will be no penalties, because this does not happen all the time.

Few people will be surprised that sites on the Internet make money not only when you sell something. As is often the case (and perhaps even more often), resources allow you to earn income by placing ads.

One of the leading services that is used for this purpose is Google AdSense. How much can you earn using it? How to increase earnings? These and many other questions will be answered by our material.

What is Google Adsense?

Google AdSense is a service that allows website owners to earn money by placing contextual advertising. This project (which is quite obvious) is the development of Google.

How does this scheme work? You place a script on your resource that is sent to you by Google Adsense employees after registering with the service. What is a script? In simple words – this is some internal command, which is embedded in the page code. In this case, its task is to generate the necessary advertising.

It turns out that the code is marked that there should be an advertising block, and as a result, the desired advertisement is displayed in this place. What does the need mean? The fact is that it is one that will adapt to the theme of the project or search history that the visitor inquires about.

That is, if the site is dedicated to healthy eating and sports, then all commercial offers will be related to this topic. And if the visitor has previously chosen the hotel in which he will stay during the trip, then an advertising block dedicated to renting rooms may appear.

The earning system itself is simpler: for each move along the advertisement, the owner of the portal receives money on the account.

Who can become a Google AdSense member?

It is important to understand that a serious company like Google will not cooperate with just anyone. You should manually check the resource that claims to use Google AdSense.

Only those whose site is constantly updated, has a constantly large number of visitors, and unique content can make money on AdSense.

Create a useful resource for visitors and pay attention to it regularly. Then you will cooperate with Google without any problems and you will be able to earn a lot.
Google Adsense – how much can you really earn?

“A lot”, of course, is good. But how much exactly can you earn on AdSense?

Let's say right away: you should not count on large amounts on Google AdSense alone. According to the owners of Russian portals, who created their own resources for making money, you can get from 15 to 30 thousand rubles a month.

It is important to understand: no one will give a definite answer, since there is no fixed cost per click + each site has its own indicators (visiting, interest).

Many times the most earn those who create websites in English. Their income starts from 80 thousand rubles. Why does a site ending in “.com” earn so many times?

The first thing to clarify: the idea of ​​​​the project was originally created for English-speaking citizens. After the popularity of earning from clicks, Google opened access to the resource in many countries around the world.

Each state has its own methods and rules, how and how much you can. Let's take the USA and Russia for comparison. In America, in order to earn something, traffic must exceed the mark of 300 people. There are no such requirements for Russian webmasters, sites have the right to try to earn immediately after creation.

Although there are no formal requirements, real experience suggests that with visits of up to 100 people per day, one should not hope to earn more or less large amounts.

How much you can earn from clicks in Russia is largely influenced by the level of demand for contextual advertising. In our country, these figures are ten times lower than in America and Europe. Based on these figures, the cost per click will also be much lower.

There is no specific figure for how much you can earn, because the cost per click depends on many factors, which we will discuss below.

3 Factors That Affect Google Adsense CPC

There are a number of nuances in the question of how much money you can earn by clicking on links from ad units. We will talk about the most important factors that affect pricing.

Number 1. Resource popularity (the number of people visiting it)

Of course, the more traffic, the more likely there will be a maximum number of clicks on the link. To achieve this, the webmaster must add such content so that a person not only goes to the main page and leaves it, but also looks through the entire list of the resource.

No. 2. Thematic focus

In AdSense, even the topic of the resource itself affects earnings.

The most popular and profitable topics: Business,
  1. Real estate,
  2. Forex,
  3. Medicine and Health
  4. Loans.

If your project is related to the above topics, then with one click you can earn from $ 1.
Number 3. Placing advertising on the page

If you place an advertising block on the site incorrectly, then even a large traffic will not help the webmaster to make money. It is better to place the blocks at the top and sides of each page.

Top 8 Tips for Those Who Started Working with Google AdSense and Earning

Cooperation with Google AdSense attracts many beginners who are just starting to promote the project in RuNet. Many of them make serious mistakes at first, while losing profits.

We will give some useful tips that will help to avoid serious violations:Never click on advertising blocks on your forum yourself, because every transition is monitored. If the developers see that the webmaster is trying to increase profits in this way, your profile in the Google AdSense program will be blocked.

There should not be too many context blocks. This spoils the visitor's experience, even if the rest of the content is of high quality.

To place an ad, the Google AdSense administration sends an advertising code. Remember: you cannot change it, because it will throw off all the settings.

Advertising should be located where, in your opinion, the most visitors will be attracted.

At the bottom of the page or after the end of the article, it is good to place large contextual ads in the form of a bright picture. In other cases, this is one of the most unfortunate places.

, it is not recommended to use AdSense. After all, the program may offer you to place a competitor's ad, thereby taking away potential buyers from an online store.

Such simple earnings on your own portal will help you achieve significant financial heights if you do everything according to the rules, not forgetting to surprise visitors with unique content.

How much you can earn on Google AdSense on your site, you can find out only in a practical way. However, if you believe the opinions of experienced people, then this amount will definitely not disappoint you.

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Good evening, friends, and probably many novice webmasters and bloggers are interested in the question of monetizing their offspring, or rather, how much you can earn on it. Imagine a plumber Vasya or Alyoshka, who realizes that he does not have enough for life now, and sees that someone is making money on the Internet, decides to become a blogger himself, he has such a rich experience. Vasya began to think about what can help me, like there is a blog, a little traffic, but no one takes his site, but there is Google Adsense, and how much I can earn on it, let's try.

Google Adsense Advertisement

Google has a very rich affiliate advertising network, the largest in the world, especially in the US and Canada, all the money is there, in the rest of the world except Europe, clicks are several times cheaper, you need to understand this before creating a resource, since you have a target audience that will be tailored specifically for your site.

I have already given some examples before. google usa geadsense On my example and on the developments of my friend:

Your earnings will depend, of course, on how many times the ad is displayed on your site and how many times it is clicked. I will warn you right away, especially small sites, if you click on yourself, you will be banned and your money will not be returned. Believe in Google, fools do not work, and smarter than you there are uncles and robots that monitor traffic. Do not make it so that 100 people look at you a day and among them click, 50, this never happens.

I will give you a screen that is on the Internet how much money can be given for each click. There was only one click from the USA and it cost $ 5.44, and if you believe that Google took another 20 percent. 62 clicks from Russia and only 3.95. Everything, of course, still depends on the subject of the site, but you should understand that in the bourgeoisie (this is the USA, Germany and all that) they pay many times more. The

well-known SEO company ClickZ conducted a study, as a result of which a list of the most expensive keywords in the United States was formed.

Someone will ask, what does Water Damage do in this company? Indeed, there is a lot of advertising money going on in this industry in the wake of the American floods in terms of damage, repair costs, etc.

If you wish, with a complete list, the most expensive keyword searches in the United States can be found here . It seems that this information can be very useful to local webmasters who invest in Burzhunet.

In Russia, you can find this on one site with up to two thousand unique users per day, the data is provided by my friend from one travel site. $ 121 per month, at the current rate, it's very good, so there are 10 such sites to install and a scammer in your pocket, for most people in Russia, 60,000 rubles is a money writer, a person who works hard for half a year for this.

It is important to remember that you should create sites for people (SOM). Write the texts yourself, without using text generators and article analysis. You should use only white hat methods to promote your sites. As a result, you can be sure that your sites will be well indexed, will reach the top of search engines, attract traffic and bring you profit. Everything is fair. No cheating.

The fact that applying these methods is simple does not mean that you should not be diligent and work hard. I am sure that many will read this series of articles, but not everyone will be able to earn at least $ 100 per month on Google Adsense.

Why? Because people are lazy by nature. 50% of those who read this and subsequent posts will not remember them in the future. 30% will give up after the first or second attempt and thus fail. And only 20%, according to Pareto's law, will be able to earn 80% of the money that is circulated in Google Adsense. This is life and there is no escape from it.

How to make money on Google Adsense

  1. Specialized research
  2. Identify key phrases;
  3. Writing the article;
  4. Create a website (blog);
  5. Publish articles on the site;
  6. Installation: Google codeadsense;
  7. Website promotion;
  8. Get profit.

Its simple circuit, which every beginner can run, create one site, promote it a week and get profit from it already on the device for many years.

But it is worth noting that there are other ways to make money on Google Adsense. They are and will be. Nothing without this. You can find them, apply them and achieve some results.

I present to you my earning scheme, which brings me up to $ 6,000 per month and even more. If you take my strategy as the basis for making money on Google Adsense, then there is only one piece of advice: do not be distracted by other strategies and methods. As a result, jumping from one method to another, in 6 months you risk being where you started.

A little about black hat SEO

There is a way to make money on Google Adsense, where you are offered to facilitate the task of creating sites and making money on them. Like, create portal sites on the template design. Create articles or even publish texts that are not 100% unique and everything will be fine. But in 100 cases out of 100, similar sites that sin with low-quality content, ununique design, dishonest methods of optimization and promotion fall out of the index after 2-3 months.

So why waste your precious time building sites that can only last a few months on the Internet and then cut off all ways to make money on them? I do not understand. Isn't it easier to create really high-quality sites? Sites with unique articles that are able to reach the top without any visible effort on your part and constantly make a profit? I think the answer is obvious.

When I studied the topic of making money on Google Adsense, I realized how easy it is to make money on Google Adsense. But this understanding did not come immediately. For 3 years I spent thousands of dollars on various courses, seminars on earnings, trainings. 
And every time I was told that the other courses I bought were already empty, but the one I now hold in my hands is good. During these three years, I registered more than 500 domains, created dozens of sites to make money on Google Adsense, but they inevitably sank into oblivion and did not bring me any money or joy. 

One fine day I made my decision: I deleted all the courses, all the site resources and articles analyzed and created from hard drive and started from scratch. It was difficult, but I never regretted it.

The first site I created after a thorough cleaning of the hard drive was a site on the topic of tourism. In general, tourism and travel is a very profitable and versatile topic. We all want to travel and see the world and every day thousands of people are looking for information on the topic of tourism. I created a small website where I wrote about different countries, gave tips for travelers, etc. After another couple of months, when the site already had more than 100 articles for $ 25 a day. Today this site brings me about $ 35 per day almost automatically, although sometimes I add a couple of articles to it and buy about 5-6 links.

After a while, I realized that creating and filling the site took me a lot of time. In addition, I invested at least $ 100 in it before it brought me a tangible income. $ 35 per day was not the limit of my imagination, and therefore I decided that it was necessary to create sites quickly and with little or no investment and get a profit from them in a week. The scheme I developed was very simple: set it and forget it.

Now I had a different goal: to create small niche sites with a small number of pages (10-20 pages) and get visitors from search engines that would be 100% targeted. Visitors who click on ads from Google Adsense are always more voluntarily than those who come to the site from other sources.

To this end, I sat down in analytics and started looking for keywords that would have little competition in search, were in demand, had advertisers, and my article written for this keyword could get into the TOP with almost no effort. Within 3 days, I found and analyzed about 4000 similar queries and found only 57, 34 of which would become the basis of my future articles.

Creating small niche sites will allow me not to worry that one or more of my sites may earn less or not at all. Their loss can be easily compensated for by sites that broke records for clicks on certain days and compensate for all small losses. The

main factor affecting the amount of AdSense income on the site is traffic, the more visitors to the site, the more people will click on the ad. Therefore, the main strategy for increasing earnings is to promote the site in search engines. But there are other factors that affect the percentage of visitors who respond to ads.

The behavior of visitors on the site is not described by precise rules, only the webmaster can apply actions that affect the likelihood that a user will notice and click on an ad.

Key Strategies to Increase Earnings on AdSense:

  1. Optimize the placement and type of ads on the page using split testing. It is necessary to periodically rearrange ad units, fix the CTR and repeat the procedure until the best performing option is found. This is a long process, but only A/B testing allows you to squeeze the maximum income from the site.
  2. Mobile Optimization for Websites. If your website is not suitable for viewing on small screens, you will lose a lot of visitors and income.
  3. Use native ads (ads whose formatting is automatically adjusted to the page design). Bright, eye-catching ad units are unconsciously ignored by users (“banner blindness”). Now, an ad that looks like an organic part of the page will give a greater impact.
  4. Use the user activity map and place ads where the mouse cursor is most often located and visitors click most often.
  5. “Cunning” ad placements based on random clicks. For example: a wide horizontal banner below the title can be considered a navigation and clicked, you can also place an ad block below an article titled “Related Articles”.
  6. Change the number of ads per page. In this case, all visitors' attention will be focused on one ad unit, and AdSense will show the most expensive ads first.
  7. Use exit pages. Look at the statistics, which pages of the site have the most outgoing traffic and increase the number and size of ad units there. After all, users either leave anyway, or get bored and want something new, and you offer them new links.
  8. ATadsense settings prevent ads with questionable content or low pay from being displayed.
  9. Attract visitors to the site from social networks.

You should also take into account the differences in the types of ads that AdSense displays and choose the best one for each web resource. For example, according to the observations of a well-known specialist in non-contextual advertising Vadim Kurilo (BackSpark), commercial sites bring more income contextual advertising, for entertainment – ​​personalized.

How much can you earn on your site from clicks using AdSense?

As practice shows, there is no specific rule for how much Adsense pays. The following factors affect the earnings of this advertising network:
  • Site audience size;
  • Number, location and design of ad blocks;
  • Site topic;
  • Seasonal fluctuations in user interests.

For example, news, political sites, and women's resources show an average AdSense CPC of $ 0.06 before the New Year, and after the holidays and for more than a month, the CPC drops to 1-2 cents.

Considering that 1% - 2% of site visitors click on ads, you can calculate very approximate income based on traffic. For example, if a site has 600 visitors per day, it can bring 180 clicks, with a CPC of $ 0.04, this will amount to $ 7.2 per month. If it is a very profitable topic, where clicks cost $ 0.17 - $ 0.20 (or equivalent in local currency), then the same site will bring $ 30-36 per month.

Some examples of how much Adsense pays for high traffic: Indian Amit Agarwal owns a blog dedicated to technology and the Internet. The site is visited by 270,000 people daily, and the blog earns $70,000 per month.
Pete Cashmore from the UK has been blogging about technology, entertainment and interesting news for since he was 19 years old. The site's monthly traffic is 4 million visitors, and the income is $450,000 per month.

How to connect to Google Adsense advertising network

Registration for Adsense is simple and does not impose serious requirements on sites. You will need to enter the address of the site on which you will place advertising units and data about your address. The address must be entered real, as an email with a verification code will be sent to it. This is necessary to activate payments to a bank card. The

minimum withdrawal amount is $ 100. When this threshold is reached, the translation is generated automatically.