Watch torrent videos online with subtitles without programs and download them with the click of a button

Usually, torrent programs are used to download torrent files via the Peer to Peer protocol, and you will have to wait long hours until the download is completely finished in order to open and play the videos, which prevents the possibility of verifying the video before downloading it to the device. In this post, we will learn about a site to watch videos online before starting to download them.
Webtor website provides a free service through which you can watch and download torrent videos online without programs, anonymously and securely. Visit the website from the link below the post and without the need to register or create accounts on the site, then paste the magnet link for the torrent file in the designated place or upload the download file from the search button
The site will start displaying the video for each byte that is downloaded directly, along with displaying all the files attached to the video.
You can also view the subtitles for any language from the OpenSubtitles website while watching the video, with the ability to download the video or any attached file separately without having to download all the files. To download all the files at once, click on the Download as ZIP-archive button at the top of the screen.
You can use the site extension on the Chrome browser to watch videos in a separate tab by simply clicking on their magnetic link without copying and pasting. You can also embed the video player on your own website, all without any programs.