Trick to install apps on all your Android devices at the same time

What was completely impossible two years ago has become a reality today thanks to a new feature in the Google Play Store. And all this can be done simultaneously on each of our Android devices.
Although this function is mainly for mobile phones, there are many devices that cannot be ignored using this tool and some of them are watches, tablets and incredibly it can even be used on popular TVs that have Android.
The only requirement is that all devices have the same Google account , and it is essential that everyone has the same main account. Once this factor is cleared up, we will move on to using this tool, following the steps below.
First, we will have to open the Google Play application on our mobile phone, then we will click on our profile icon, then we will access the management of applications and devices, after that we will choose to synchronize applications with devices and finally we will select the devices in which we will synchronize the applications.
To finish the whole process, we will proceed to exit the Google Play Store. At this point, all the steps will have been performed correctly and the applications will be downloaded to all the mobile phones we want at the same time. In short, this is a task that can be done very easily if we follow all these steps literally.
We must keep in mind that every application we download on our primary mobile phone will automatically be downloaded on our secondary Android smartphones.
Thanks to this function, it can be said that it is easier to update or equip each of our devices with the necessary tools, because in this way we will save a great deal of time when equipping our devices with the tools or applications that we use the most.