How to Promote Your New Website - The Ultimate Guide


How to Promote Your New Website - The Ultimate Guide

How to Promote Your New Website - The Ultimate Guide

You've ironed out the design kinks, added all the relevant links to the sidebar, tested the user experience on your coworkers (or even your friends and family) — and now that your brand-new website is up and running, you want to know how to promote it effectively. 

Many may go the paid digital campaign route directly; however, if your paid advertising options are limited, or you simply want to expand your promotional reach in every way possible, then this ultimate guide on how to promote your new website is definitely for you.

Producing high quality blog posts

Adding a blog section to your website to boost your SEO and rankings is always a great idea. First of all, producing relevant blog content not only makes it easier for potential users to locate your website, but it also goes a long way toward building your credibility and reputation as a brand – but only when you strive to maintain a high level of content quality. When done right, blog posts can help your brand position itself as an authority in your industry, which in turn can significantly increase your conversion rates.

In order to write great blog posts, you will need to do a certain amount of market research, which will have the added benefit of expanding your knowledge and establishing your website as a convenient and accurate source of up-to-date information. 

Guest blogger

Another way to benefit from blogging is to partner with a guest writer who is an expert in your field. This will help increase your exposure to their readers, which will later lead to some great leads. Networking with writers who are already established in their profession will help you expand your own network, which can also lead to increased visibility and more social media shares.

Furthermore, guest blogging can be done the other way around, meaning you can advertise your website by writing quality content for sites other than your own. You don’t even have to wait for someone to notice your work before you get invited to write for their website – in fact, approaching others with a good pitch is quite common, so don’t be afraid to make the first move if you think you have something valuable to offer that will ultimately benefit both sides.

Use social media wisely

Social media platforms, especially those that promote the creation and maintenance of online communities, are likely to have your target demographic. Just know where and how you can provide them with distinct value, and you can rest assured that you will have plenty of opportunities to promote your website if you have something important to say or offer to your target audience. 

Depending on the types of audiences you want your website to attract, you should be able to choose where to focus most of your social media marketing efforts. If your brand is looking to cater to Gen Z and millennials, for example, you’ll have better luck reaching them on places like Instagram and TikTok than on platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn. Figuring out the best place to reach your desired audiences may require some market research, too. 

However, it is always advisable to run multiple official social media accounts and then use these accounts for cross-promotion. For example, you might tweet your Instagram video or post your latest blog post on your Facebook page. Both the Instagram video and the Facebook post should have a link to your website that will drive traffic to the place you want. 

Most importantly, producing great content increases the likelihood that your audience will share it more, which results in free organic marketing for your website. The more people click on your content, the more likely you are to improve your overall conversion rates.

Email Marketing Through Newsletters

Although you may be surprised to hear this, newsletters are a very effective form of email marketing. When written and designed well, they allow you to communicate with your potential customer base in a more direct, compelling and – let’s not forget – affordable way. They can also help increase your subscriber base and drive traffic to your website. As a result, newsletters can be an essential component of your marketing strategy. 

There are many creative ways to increase traffic from email newsletters to your website. Some examples include:

Link to your website content. By including logo images, text, and photos in your email, you can easily generate targeted traffic. However, keep in mind that your newsletter should not be a catalog of your entire website. Instead, include direct links to your best-selling products or a link to a tutorial or video that will teach the visitor how to use the product.

Promote your blog. Many people like to include a snippet of their latest blog post in their email. This encourages readers to visit your website, and while they’re there, they’re also more likely to visit other parts of your website and maybe even make a purchase.

Including a short and sweet story. Save your website background for a dedicated page on the site and insert a short paragraph into your email to create a non-product-related talking point. This will instantly make you seem more approachable and human, rather than a wall of text on a screen.

Remember, if your email content is quick and to the point, with strong calls to action that readers should click, your material will stand out in a sea of ​​other newsletters readers may receive.

Get your SEO done!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is probably one of the most popular ways to promote a website (and certainly one of the most effective) for the simple reason that it improves a site’s ranking on Google and other search engines. Unlike paid search advertising, SEO is completely free, which means that competition is open to everyone and depends on the quality of the information you publish, the ease of navigation on your website, and the amount of links you get from other sources.

 By entering some topics that your website is interested in, a good SEO tool will be able to do the necessary market analysis to find keywords that rank high in search engines.

However, keep in mind that search engines have gotten smarter over the past few years, and they now favor quality content over meaningless keyword-filled websites. Use your chosen keywords in an organic and sensible way for the topic at hand. Even a casual reader will click on your blog post or web page if the text reads too much like an advertisement.


The above strategies aren’t the only ones you can implement to successfully market your new website. If you’re committed to it, it’s best to use a combination of approaches by trying new things and building on what works. However, be sure to carefully track the results of any new strategy you end up using, so you know whether to continue with it or stop wasting your time on it.
