How to optimize your content for readers browsing


How to optimize your content for readers browsing

When Google provided the answer boxes, the already short interest span for the average search user became shorter. They can now get their answer without even clicking on a result.

But it wasn't Google that made us all look for shortcuts. Google simply responded to a pre-existing need for quick answers.

43% of users surveyed by HubSpot admit to slandering blog posts. 55% of users spend 15 seconds or less on a blog post.

are you still here


This means that you fall into the minority in it in the relatively long term. But don't worry - I won't put up with you.

I'll show you how to optimize your content for everyone – scrapers and people who are willing to stick to a piece of content for more than a minute.

How to optimize your blog content for people in a hurry, scrapers, and everyone else
While there are still people who have the time and desire to read for more than one minute, easy-to-read content will be more appealing to them as well, and not just to those looking for quick answers. Whether you like it or not, it's the age of speed and UX, so people expect a great experience on your website.

No matter how great their appetite for reading is, it doesn't mean you should force them to stare at every line or that you shouldn't allow skipping some text and easily accessing what they need. Here's how to do it:

1. Use subheadings and make them relevant

Like these. and the one above it. Ideally, use H2, H3, H4, etc. to show the links between subheadings. More importantly, keep the text under a subheading of less than 300 words. If you need more to explain this point, you may also need additional titles.

For this particular article, my goal is to summarize each of the ways to make your content easy to read in one subtitle. This way, if you're in a hurry, you can just read the subheadings and get their essence. You can come back later for a more in-depth reading if you need it.

2. Keep paragraphs short and gentle

Gabriel Garcia Márquez did not. It is impossible to read the autumn of the patriarch because it is one long paragraph, sometimes divided into chapters.

But you're not Garcia Marquez and blog post isn't a novel. So keep all your paragraphs as short as possible. For some readers, five lines can be too much.

Sometimes one line is enough, especially if you are trying to clarify a point.

Remember that some people read your blog from a mobile device. What looks like a decent paragraph on the desktop looks like an inaccessible text wall on the phone.

This is even more important if you are writing about a technical topic. Writing cybersecurity content, for example, is usually difficult enough to digest. If you cram your knowledge into text walls, you will lose the reader forever.

3. Highlight important concepts and points

Remember your textbooks in middle school? Most likely, the important points were somehow highlighted. Borrow a page from those textbooks, even if you write for adults.

You can use bold, italic, different colors, etc. Your goal here is to highlight the important parts. However, do not overdo it. You don't want to end up blogging your posts like piñata being shocked by enthusiastic kids who really need sugar.

4. Use bullet points whenever you can

If you have three or more items on the list, you have a great opportunity to add points. It's a great way to break text and deliver a bit of rhythm.

5. Add graphic elements

Ideally, for every 300-500 text words, you should have an image, video, or GIF to deconstruct the monotony. But don't force him.

If your blog post isn't too long (for example, if it's less than 1000 words), it's better to leave it without any graphic elements than to add completely irrelevant stuff. As always, convenience comes before anything else.

6. Include takeaways and summaries for longer sections

One or two phrases summarizing a longer section are ideal for keeping scrapers engaged – just like they used to do in your textbooks. Include the basic concepts and information that you will write down if you are in school and that's it.

Ideally, the person who reads those junk food should only be able to understand the topic of your blog post and should be left with some valuable information.


Everyone browses the blog posts. I do it a lot. And I love it when the writer is thoughtful enough to include all the above things so that I can quickly get to that part that I really care about.

I know – it's a bit sad that very few people are willing to read every word you write. After all, I've really worked for all of them, not just with subtitles and bold. But you won't be able to change your reading habits.

However, you can retain users longer with engaging and easy-to-read content.