Garrett Ace 250 Metal Detector Specifications


Garrett Ace 250 Metal Detector Specifications

Garrett Ace 250 Metal Detector Specifications

The world's best-selling metal, gold and coin detector, Garrett Ace 250, 100% American made, the best of its kind with multiple search frequencies in one device. The device is used to detect metals, ancient coins and various metal objects.

A well-known device among the excavation group.

Device Specifications

- A metal detector specialized in searching for metals and gold and determining their locations with high accuracy.

- The ability to fully distinguish between ordinary metals such as iron and precious metals such as gold. 

- The feature of canceling iron metal from the exploration process, as signals emitted by iron pieces are ignored.

- Special sounds (tones) to detect gold.

- Lightweight and easy to use for beginners and professionals.

The device works on batteries.

Garrett Ace 250

How to operate
