Branches Addresses of Agricultural Bank of Egypt

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Branches Addresses of Agricultural Bank of Egypt

Obour Branch: Banks Complex / Obour Market.

Faculty of Agriculture Branch: Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University.

Tenth branch of Ramadan: division of banks / neighboring 42.

Agricultural Bank of Egypt Branches in Giza

Giza Branch: Rabie St.

Dokki Branch: 1 Dokki Shooting Club Square.

6th of October Branch: Banks District / Industrial Zone 4.

Mohandessin Branch, : 1 Michel Bakhoum St., next to Shooting Club Square / Dokki.

Agricultural Bank of Egypt Branches in Alexandria

Alexandria Islamic Branch: Little Manshia / 3 Saint Catherine Square.

Alexandria Branch: 116 El Horreya Road.

Old Amreya Branch: Next to Amreya Center.

Agricultural Bank of Egypt Branches in Beheira

Damanhour Branch: 3 El Gomhoria St.

Kom Hamada Branch: El Thawra St.

Badr Branch: Magdy Hussein St.

Itay El Baroud Branch: El Galaa St.

Agricultural Bank of Egypt Branches in Aswan

Edfu Branch: El Tahrir St. - close to Housing & Development Bank.

Abu Simbel Branch: Abu Simbel Tourist District.

Agricultural Bank of Egypt Branches in Fayoum

Fayoum Branch: Qarun Square / Khalifa El Maamoun St.

Sinnuras Branch: Saad Zaghloul St.

Ibshway Branch: El Gomhoria St. in front of the State Security Center.

Martyr Ahmed Alaa Branch: Martyr Ahmed Alaa St. / Manoli Building.

Agricultural Bank of Egypt Branches in Al Qalbeya

Banha Branch: Main: Corniche El Nil St.

Shebin El Qanater Branch: Ard El Mahlaj St.

Al-Qanater Al-Khairiya Branch: Next to the sugar store, Qalyubia.

Khanka Branch: El Gomhoria St.

Agricultural Bank of Egypt Branches in Menoufia

Quesna Branch: Sharaf St.

Menouf Branch: 6 Mostafa Kamel St.

Shebin El Kom Branch: Saad Zaghloul St.

Sadat Branch: Villa 86/85 / Second Residential Area.

Agricultural Bank of Egypt Branches in Gharbia

Tanta Branch: 8 Othman St. Mohamed / in front of Muslim youth.

Kafr El Zayat Branch: El Guish St.

Zefta Branch: Abdel Aziz El Gendy St. Qutour Branch: Tanta Road Kafr El-Sheikh.

Agricultural Bank of Egypt Branches in Sharqia

Eastern Branch: 23 Talaat Harb St./Zagazig.

Faqous Branch: El Menissy St., next to the church.

Belbeis Branch: Gamal Abdel Nasser St.

Branches of the Development and Agricultural Credit Bank in Eastern Province

The main branch of the bank in Sharqia city

Address : 23 Talaat Harb El Zagazig St.

Telephone: 055/2354192 - 055/2306314

bank branch in zagazig city

Address : Al-Ahrar Road - Zagazig City

Telephone: 055/2328724

bank branch in minya al-qamh city

Address: Engineer Sayed Marai Street / Minya al-Qamh

Phone Number : 055/3664427

Bank branch in Faqous city

Address: Al-Menissi Street next to the church - Qurain stop - Faqous

Phone : 055/3972898

Bank branch in Belbeis

Address : Gamal Abdel Nasser Street - Belbeis

Phone : 055/2850022

Bank branch in Hassania city

Address: Center Street next to the Agricultural Administration

Phone Number : 055/2776308

bank branch in deyerb negm city

Address: Behind the Agricultural Administration / Mansoura

Phone Number : 055/3760341

Bank branch in Abu Hammad city

Address : Semaan Street next to the police station

Phone : 055/3400036

Bank branch in Abu Kabir city

Address: Tahrir Street at Abu Hammad junction - Abu Kabir

Phone Number : 055/3500074

Bank branch in Kafr Saqr city

Address: Salah Salem Street, Al-Nasr District - Kafr Saqr City

Phone : 055/3186001

Bank branch in Awlad Saqr city

Address: Public Housing Area - Next to Health Administration

Phone : 055/3460310

Bank branch in Hahya city

Address : Major General Hassan Kamel Street - Hihya

Phone : 055/2564309

Bank branch in Ibrahimia city

Address: City Council Street - next to the police station

Phone : 055/2590742

The bank's branch in Salhia city

Address : Next to the Interests Complex

Phone : 055/3201000

Bank branch in Mashtoul Souk city

Address: Al-Orouba Street - next to the railway station.

Phone Number : 055/2570367

Branches of the Development and Agricultural Credit Bank in Ismailia

The main branch of the bank in Ismailia city

Address: Tahrir Street - Othman bin Affan area.

Phone : 064/3922040

Bank branch in Ismailia city

Address: Abu Shehata - Ismailia - near Arab African Bank.

Phone : 064/3453015

Bank branch in Kantara West city

Address : Suez Street next to the central - Kantara West

Phone Number : 064/3561767

Bank branch in Tal Kabir city

Address: Street / Canal farma - Tal Kabir

Phone : 064/3961550

bank branch in fayed city

Address : Fayed City - Next to Youth Center

Phone Number : 064/3664282

Agricultural Bank of Egypt Working Hours

Official working hours are from 8.5 am to 3 pm.

Working hours are from Sunday to Thursday.

Public holidays: Friday and Saturday.

Development and Agricultural Credit Bank customer service

Banque du Caire customer service: 19080

Development and Agricultural Credit Bank Customer Service Number

To call from outside Egypt: 19080

Development and Agricultural Credit Bank Number

To contact the main branch: 19080

Complaints of the Development and Agricultural Credit Bank

Website :

Fax Number : 0233327202

Development and Agricultural Credit Bank Online Customer Service

You can contact the bank's online customer service, submit all inquiries and request information through the chat service.

Hotline Bank for Development and Agricultural Credit

Call the hotline and shortened : 19080
