ways hackers use to hack your bank account

ways hackers use to hack your bank account

ways hackers use to hack your bank account

ways hackers use to hack your bank account and how to protect yourself

Online banking makes life more convenient, but it makes your money vulnerable to hacking, as hackers are looking for methods and ways to use them to hack and get access to your bank accounts on the Internet, and in order to defend your bank account and prevent anyone from accessing it, you need to know the ways These hackers use it to steal your money through the Internet, so in this article we will learn about 5 ways hackers use to hack your bank account and how to get rid of them.

ways hackers use to hack your bank account

1- Trojans

These days, you can manage your bank accounts and all your money from your smartphone, and most banks provide their own official app that allows you to log into your bank account in a secure environment but this is not the case as hackers have found crooked ways through the bank app.

2- fake apps

It is the simplest way to attack by creating fake applications, where the hacker designs an exact copy of a bank application and then uploads it to an external or third party site, and once the victim downloads the fake application believing that it is the official application of the bank, and enters the username and password With it, the login data is sent directly to the hacker and then he is able to open your bank account with ease.

3- Application fraud

This attack is done by creating a normal application that has nothing to do with banking applications and has a Trojan horse virus inside, and when the victim tries to install the application on his smartphone, the Trojan horse activates and scans all files in the system to search for banking applications, and when the victim tries to open his bank application, you This malware quickly opens a window similar to the official bank app and without noticing the victim entering their bank account login details via a fake login page. And then that data is sent to the hacker and here he is able to access your account and open it without a problem.

How do you protect yourself?

When downloading applications from the store, keep an eye on the number of downloads of the application, if the number is very low and the reviews are few or almost non-existent, it may be better not to download the application to your smartphone, also you may find an official application of a bank with a small number of downloads, without a doubt the application is not It is real and should not be downloaded at all.

Likewise, be careful when installing apps that ask for many permissions. If a game asks you for permissions to read SMS messages, it may have malware inside. Also, you should not download apps from third-party sites because most of them contain malware.

4- Phishing

Phishing is a method by which hackers attempt to deceive users in order to obtain confidential and sensitive information that can be used, and as users are becoming more aware, phishing methods have become more and more malicious. Users, and from there the hacker sends emails to the contacts and people added to the mail and of course they open the message and click on the malicious link because it comes from an email and a previously trusted address.

What makes this type of attack devastating, is that it comes from a trusted party with the difficulty of detecting the matter, and this is what happened with someone who tried to buy a house and unfortunately lost 67 thousand euros even though the email he was sending is real and it is actually from a lawyer, but it was hacked and a message was sent. the victim of it.

How do you protect yourself?

If the email address is a bit suspicious, it should be ignored and not clicked on any link inside it, and it is preferable to get rid of it. Perhaps talking to him in a way other than e-mail, the account may have been hacked.

5- Keyloggers

Keyloggers attack is one of the quietest ways through which a hacker can easily access your bank account, and keyloggers are a type of malware that, once it reaches the victim’s device, records everything that is typed on the keyboard.

Imagine what would happen if you opened a web browser and then typed in the bank website and logged in, the hacker would have all the data he needs to break into your bank account and steal all the money in it.

How do you protect yourself?

You can install an anti-virus software that can not only provide anti-virus protection but is also able to remove any malicious software like Keyloggers and get rid of them before causing any damage.

Also, if your bank supports two-factor authentication, make sure that this feature is enabled, and this reduces the effectiveness of the keylogger attack, because the hacker will not be able to hack your bank account even if he gets the login credentials of the account.

6- Man in the middle attack

The Man-in-the-Middle attack is one of the most dangerous attacks that may put your personal information at risk, as the hacker sneaks between two speakers in a network without their knowledge, and in a clearer sense, the hacker through this attack sneaks between you and the website of your bank and intercepts all The files and data that you send to the other party and vice versa and this is the man-in-the-middle attack.

How do you protect yourself?

Do not do any sensitive or important activities on a public or unsecured wireless network. Use safer networks when you try to access your bank account such as your home network. You should also check for HTTPS in the address bar every time you try to log in to a bank site. The website was fake and not the official website of the bank.

You can also use VPN services, which provide you with a virtual private network that encrypts your data before sending it over the network, and if someone is watching your connection, they will not be able to decrypt that sensitive and unreadable data.

7- Hack or swap the SIM card

There is a type of attack that does not need to be hacked because it is a fraudulent attack and is known as SIM Swapping, and this attack occurs when the hacker obtains some of your basic information in order to use it in the next step, which is to contact your network provider, claiming that it is you and the phone is lost And he wants to transfer the old number (your current phone number) to their SIM card, and he may succeed in this attack because the service provider asks some questions which he is prepared for with the information collected about you.

After that, he can try to enter your bank account and request the verification code through the new number, which arrives on his phone instead of your phone, and thus he will be able to open your bank account without your knowledge and easily steal the money in it.

How do you protect yourself?

You need to keep your personal information and sensitive data completely safe and avoid publishing it so as not to give hackers an opportunity to access your information and exploit it to infiltrate your bank account, and you must know the steps taken by your service provider and whether it provides protection for you against this attack or has easy defenses that can be hacked.