reduce inflation and high prices by using technology

reduce inflation and high prices by using technology

We can reduce inflation and high prices by using technology

reduce inflation and high prices by using technology

While inflation increases globally and everyone feels the rising cost of living, and the crisis of high energy and food prices increases, we may find a solution to this problem by using technology.

It is known that the problem of inflation today is not only related to the trillions of dollars that governments have pumped into the global financial system in the past months, but there is a part where factories have stopped, stocks have run out of goods and food, and producers have so far failed to make up for the shortage.

Technology will solve the global energy problem:

As the costs of renewable technologies such as solar panels and wind farms are dropping and investment is increasing day by day, we can expect great results.

One of the biggest problems in this emerging field has been rising costs, but technological innovation has helped reduce costs and increase performance and quality.

Compared to the solar panels that were put up for sale years ago and the new ones that have entered the market now, there is a huge difference in performance and utilization of the sun and heat to generate electrical energy and even work at night to produce some energy from heat.

Today, the world is still dependent on fossil fuels, and coal alone accounts for 40 percent of the world's electricity production, but innovations are accelerating to get rid of it and replace it with renewable energy.

But technology will also help reduce emissions when producing natural gas, which is an important material and an intermediate energy source between the age of fossil fuels and the age of clean energy.

On the other hand, innovations will help increase the efficiency of electrical energy storage, better manage stock and distribute it, and reduce energy waste.

In the long term we will reach a level where electricity can be obtained from renewable energies at ever cheaper rates and that is the big goal.

Technology will solve global supply chain problems:

Self-driving vehicles, whether trucks or ships, are getting a new boost of attention, along with artificial intelligence to better track deliveries.

The world's freight transport sector has developed but still most of it relies on traditional ships which take months to arrive, which is frustrating for global trade.

Many startups are seeking to develop self-driving transport planes, ships and trucks that can operate non-stop and perform tasks in a shorter period of time.

Many companies are suffering from a lack of interest in the work of driving trucks and transporting goods vehicles, so robots and artificial intelligence present themselves as better alternatives.

Drones are an important piece of transportation to the home and the end customer, and there are innovative solutions to this from Amazon and other companies.

Technology will increase production and reduce costs

In the United States and Western countries that are less willing to work in industry, which is second only to the service sector in importance, profitability, and labor force, factories will tend to use robots more.

Autonomous mobility, blockchain technology, gene editing, adaptive robotics, and neural networks are among the important technologies that can transform this field.

In a few years, we can see factories that are up and running, relying on robots and advanced technologies, with very few workers to monitor.

Even in the field of shipping and warehousing, the Corona epidemic has prompted many factories and warehouses to use advanced transportation mechanisms and robots.

Technology will solve the global food problem

The population of the world today has reached 7.75 billion, which is illogical if it were not for the development of agriculture and the food industry, which provided food for all.

Regardless of the fact that fruits, vegetables and ready-to-eat in our time have negative sides and are linked to the spread of cancer, it has helped prevent hunger, and famine is the worst phenomenon that has managed to wipe out millions of people in record periods of time.

Technological innovations in the field of agriculture, agriculture and food industry are still successive, all of which seek to increase food, reduce costs and improve its quality as well.

This is a very difficult equation, but science says that it is very possible, and it should be achieved in order to keep pace with the population explosion in the world and prevent high prices and famines.