Mischievous And Cybercrime

Mischievous And Cybercrime

An electronic revolution, the whole world is buzzing with its achievements, it has reduced the distances and made the world a small village, your messages after traveling distances and days to arrive, you can now send them within a fraction of a second, e-learning, conferences and seminars are held remotely, entire governments have shifted from paper handling to Online certified services. A great and unprecedented achievement for this generation of humanity, but wait..

This revolution has another dark side, rather it is dark, casts a shadow on our lives and privacy, and worries governments, companies and banks alike, which is cybercrime, have you heard of it before?

What are cyber crimes?

It is an illegal act or activity that takes place over an electronic network, and is carried out by a group of individuals called pirates. It does not differ much from ordinary crimes. It consists of the same pillars: the offender, the criminal act, and the victim, and it varies according to the purpose and goal. The most famous of these crimes are those of a personal nature, which target individuals; For the purpose of illegally obtaining their electronic identity, such as their e-mail, social accounts and passwords, in addition to the crimes of stealing personal photos and important files from victims' devices.

There are crimes with a purely political motive, targeting governments, the aim of which is to destroy them and steal data and information from them, such as the attack on the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on January 5, 2020.

The major dilemma in such attacks is that we cannot predict and prepare for them. They choose the very appropriate time, by exploiting security holes. Who among us has not heard of hacking the devices used during the American election campaigns between Obama and John McCain in 2008, where a group of Hacking these devices and publishing all campaign data, and those devices were confiscated for the purpose of tracking them; They did not find the actor to this day.

Military sites are also valuable prey that pirates salivate for, and they seek it for the purpose of stealing information related to the security of countries and their armies. Of course, the mosaic of cybercrime is only complete with fraud crimes. In 2017, for example, about seventy-five thousand attacks were monitored through a malicious program, in ninety-nine countries; For the purpose of financial blackmail, and in 2014, Sony was hacked by a group called Protectors of Peace, and they obtained employee data, their financial conditions from salaries and others, and downloaded a lot of movies that were published on the Internet for free, which caused huge financial losses to the company. .

And of course, we should not forget the crimes of insult, defamation, defamation, and viruses, which occur daily and continuously, especially in countries that do not have a security apparatus to combat cybercrime.

What makes it more difficult to deal with this type of crime is that there is no 100% protection, and the danger is always renewed, due to several factors, including: the ease of falling into its trap due to the absence of security oversight, and the difficulty of detecting it except by using highly technical methods. And because it is an out-of-the-ordinary behavior, it has less violence and effort, and is not governed by time or place. It may occur at any time, and what increases its spread is the ease of concealing the crime and the evidence that indicates the offender, which gives him a sense of irresponsibility and more audacity.

Hypothetical or realistic?

The Internet today has become a real battleground, which may seem to us hypothetical, but its results on reality are clear and impressive. Everyone knows the raging electronic conflict, renewed every day, between America, Russia and China, and the recent entry of Iran on the line. Perhaps someone here is wondering: Why all this interest in this field, which is constantly and at an increasing pace, recruiting individuals on behalf of countries, which is known as electronic armies?

The answer is that we live in the information age, and whichever party possesses abundant and renewable information, it can strongly influence the reality on the ground and in all fields.

All of the above is just the tip of the iceberg, and we can't be immune from these attacks, but there are some precautions, which may save you one day on a personal level. For example: do not open messages with an unknown source, or click on a suspicious link, avoid downloading programs from unknown sites with the use of anti-virus programs, and do not trust unknown people no matter how good they seem to us.