Like Bitcoin, metaverse is the future against you

Like Bitcoin, metaverse is the future against you

Like Bitcoin, metaverse is the future against you

Metaverse is at our door, the new generation of the web that will change our use of the Internet and the ways we interact with the virtual world.

In clearer words, this big change is an inevitable cycle of development for the Internet, and it is known that nothing here is constant. Not long ago, Nokia phones were the pinnacle of development, and today Nokia has become a small player in the will and marginalized as well.

Metaverse serving commercial interests:

Armani Beauty Germany has partnered with ByondXR to help it bring 3D virtual stores to help consumers shop online.

Founded in 2016, the company claims to "transform" e-commerce by replicating retail experiences through interactive software.

This company provides neutral APIs on mobile, desktop, tablet, and headphones, and helps companies for an annual fee to bring their products or services online.

By integrating e-commerce in Metaverse, the consumer can try on the clothes he wants to buy, visit the stores of the brands he loves, see what's new and prices, preview the products and then buy and get them through home delivery.

Stakeholders and businesses believe that integrating these technologies will improve the e-shopping experience and increase sales and revenues, so it is better to adopt this trend.

Technological development supports metaverse:

We're already on our way to living in Metaverse, and you can't convince people to give up smartphones, computers, and internet-connected devices even though we all know it's tracking us and collecting billions of data points that companies use to target us with ads and personalize the user experience.

Added to these devices are a series of wearable devices that are used today in the world of video games and video watching, and which will be widely used in the coming years in the new world web.

It is known that the capabilities of smart phones remain limited, despite the development of applications and innovation in this field, but what a person wants to reach is to be connected to the Internet without holding a smart phone in his hand, and when he walks in the expanse he sees in front of his eyes a map showing the closest commercial sites to him The shortest routes, weather information and threats to it, without the need to carry any equipment.

Technology supports the implementation of this vision, and here wearable devices and electronic chips come to play their role, and each of them will have advantages and capabilities.

The electronic chips that can be installed in the human body, will have a medical and educational role and fix many mental and psychological problems and connect to the Internet all the time.

Metaverse does not mean Facebook:

We'll all be at Metaverse, it's not clear which tech giant will win the race to host us there, but it's clear that this is the next step the CEOs have decided to take.

Today we are half way: glued to screens that take us around the world and provide us with everything we need with a simple click or tap.

The tech giants just need to create the infrastructure and platforms to host us there, and it is agreed that it will be a global platform in which various companies, entities and individual developers will participate.

At the same time there are major initiatives led by platforms Block Chen defends decentralization and building Mataavirs are not subject to control large corporations.

This means that Facebook will not control this technology, but it will most likely have an important share of the pie, and may fail to compete as many companies have entered this race, and Mark Zuckerberg's company is suffering with reports of its violation of privacy and the exploitation of user data.

The future against me and you:

Governments, central banks, and even clergy have fought against Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies and ultimately failed, and now there are efforts to contain and adopt it.

It will take another 5 years until we see mass adoption of the new generation of the web, in 10 to 15 years, wearables and chips will replace all smartphones and all computers.

This may seem like a long period of time, but it is actually a short period of time in a time when days pass quickly and so do years one after the other.