Discovering substances in the blood of athletes that may fight Alzheimer's

Researchers: Discovering substances in the blood of athletes that may fight Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's disease is a chronic disease that scientists have not yet been able to find a cure for, but according to the latest research and studies, Alzheimer's patients receiving blood transfusions from athletes can help slow the progression of this disease.

A group of researchers is currently working on experiments that it believes may constitute a revolutionary medical discovery in the field of Alzheimer's resistance. These experiments are based on subjecting Alzheimer's patients to blood transfusions from donors who exercise, as it is believed that the blood of athletes contains substances that may help slow the progression and exacerbation of Alzheimer's.

These experiments come based on previous scientific evidence that had shown that people who exercise in general may be less likely than others to develop Alzheimer’s, as the body usually produces unique chemicals after exercising, and these substances are believed to protect brain cells from exposure to some problems. .

So, in the same way that these substances may fight Alzheimer's disease in athletes, researchers believe that taking these substances from the bodies of athletes and introducing them to the bodies of Alzheimer's patients may help to resist the progression of their disease.

Experience details 

During the trial, which is being conducted by a team of doctors under the supervision of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, a group of patients aged 50-75 years with mild cases of cognitive decline and early Alzheimer's will receive transfusions of 200 milliliters of blood per month for 12 months.

Blood will be taken from 30 volunteers aged between 18-40 years, who will run on a treadmill at a regular pace until their bodies reach the point of fatigue each time, during the four weeks prior to each blood donation.

The researchers will continue to follow patients for a period of 5 years to follow their health status and indicators related to the disease.

Alzheimer's disease and exercise: a positive link

Although there are many factors that are believed to play a role in triggering Alzheimer's disease, researchers have not yet been able to determine the direct and primary cause of Alzheimer's disease.

But according to many scientific evidence, it is believed that exercise may contribute to reducing the chances of developing Alzheimer's or slowing the patient's pace, as it is believed that exercise may stimulate a series of chemical changes in the blood, and these changes may counteract some of the changes associated with the genesis of Alzheimer's.

Some of the molecules that the body may produce during exercise may have a positive effect on appetite and the immune system, and it has been noted that they may help repair some damaged or inflammatory tissues.