A tool that collects all your newsletters into a brief email

A tool that collects all your newsletters into a brief email

A tool that collects all your newsletters into a brief email

A tool that collects all your newsletters into a brief email.. Try it now!

If you use email regularly, you are likely to receive a lot of mail on a daily basis. Some of them are read and others remain suspended or deleted without being opened. Frequent email notifications can be an annoying step especially when professional emails are confused with newsletters or personal messages, etc., or when they are sent at an inopportune time and you give up on reading them. To solve this problem, today we are going to share with you a tool that collects all newsletters and sends them in a short email. 

The tool is called Rollups and it was designed by Leave Me Alone team, in addition to allowing to unsubscribe from unwanted emails or newsletters with a single click, it also provides Rollups feature that combines all newsletters into one email, which is sent on The basis of the duration you have chosen from the list.

At first, you will go to the Leave Me Alone service website , and then register your account. In this window make sure that your email is associated with the service and with respect to all the steps that were attached in the pop-up window.

After successfully linking your email with Leave Me Alone. The service will detect all the news services that you have registered for, and will give you the option to unsubscribe from unwanted postal services by clicking on Unsubscribe.

To create a list to consolidate all newsletters to be sent into a brief email, you will click on the Rollups section, create a name for this group, and choose the moment you want to receive the summary and what it will look like.

To add the newsletter in the group you created, it is enough to select the relevant message and press the add to rollup option. The group will then send the postal letter on the specified date.

Among the other features of Rollups, several short messages can be created, for example one in the morning that combines all newsletters with current events, another at a later date that contains long articles where you will have to spend time to read them and so on.
