Does your mobile phone have a defect in the screen? You require this application

Perforated mobile screens are a new trend. feature that was not long ago exclusive to the most expensive phones on the market is now a design element that spans many of the phones launched since 0, including those that are less expensive. Although the vast majority of manufacturers do not seem to benefit from this aesthetic addition, there are third-party tools that offer the possibility of making this hole truly useful.
One such tool is Energy Ring, an old application in the world of Android personalization, which recently received one of the biggest in its history, becoming a more useful application, essential for all those who have a phone with a perforated screen
Those who do not know the application yet should know that the Energy Ring is a tool that allows you to configure the battery level indicator ring around the hole in the screen of our phones. Although initially the app was only compatible with a few smartphone models, thanks to its latest update, it works with the vast majority of mobiles that include some kind of hole in their screen.
Despite the simplicity of the app, the Energy Ring is highly customizable, and its options include the ability to change the thickness of the ring surrounding the cameras, as well as the option to adjust the ring colors depending on the remaining battery level.
Moreover, its creator states that the app hardly affects the device's battery consumption; since the ring is configured so that it is activated only at times when the battery level changes and the app returns to "sleep" when the screen is off, the power consumption by the ring basically does not exist.
Link: Ring Ring