How do I make Linux Mint look like Windows 7

How do I make Linux Mint look like Windows 7

How do I make Linux Mint look like Windows 7

On the off chance that you can't exactly manage to let Microsoft's as of late resigned working framework go, Ubuntu Linux can be designed into a reasonable substitute 

You shouldn't utilize Windows 7 today. As of January, it formally turned into an unsupported working framework, and the more you continue utilizing it, the shakier your PC becomes. That is a disgrace, as the Windows 7 interface was one of the most well known Microsoft ever formulated, and keeping in mind that Windows 10 incredibly enhances Windows 8, it's absolutely impossible to switch back to anything taking after the old Windows 7 UI. 

Aficionados of Windows 7 thusly end up stuck in a tight spot, compelled to either stay with a working framework that is progressively unsafe or change to an interface they'd preferably not use. 

However, there's a third way. It's conceivable to alter Linux to bring the client experience amazingly near Windows 7. This alternative permits you to stay with a nearby guess of your favored look and feel while profiting by continuous security refreshes. 

It's conceivable to do this with practically any kind of Linux, yet here we'll zero in on tweaking Ubuntu as its center code is utilized by a wide assortment of different distros, for which the standards will be the equivalent. 

Introduce Linux 

The initial step is introducing Linux. It's conceivable to introduce Linux and Windows one next to the other, and pick between the two each time you boot, however since we will probably move off Windows 7 through and through, we're going to wipe the hard plate and make Linux our sole working framework. Obviously, you'll need to back up any documents you need to keep before continuing, as you won't have the option to recover them subsequently. 

When you're prepared to introduce Linux, download the most recent form of Ubuntu. We're utilizing 20.04 LTS: The number demonstrates that it was delivered in April 2020 and LTS means long haul uphold, with patches and updates conveyed until in any event April 2025. You'll require a USB stick to introduce from; once more, back up any documents on the stick that you need to keep, as the arrangement cycle wipes it. 

Ubuntu downloads as an ISO circle picture, which you can keep in touch with your stick utilizing Rufus, which is a free download. When you've downloaded both the ISO and Rufus, embed your USB stick and dispatch Rufus. It ought to distinguish the stick and show it in the dropdown at the head of the interface; in the event that it doesn't, click and select it. Presently click the Select catch beneath and explore to your Ubuntu ISO document in the Explorer window. 

With this done, click the Start button at the base of the UI and Rufus will compose the circle picture to your stick. When it's finished, leave the stick connected and reboot your PC. You need it to fire up from your USB streak drive, instead of the inside hard plate, so watch out for the screen for any sign of the catch you have to press to pick a boot gadget or to enter the PC's BIOS or UEFI settings from which you can pick the boot drive. You may need to restart a couple of times to get the cycle moving effectively. 

When the Ubuntu installer boots, it will give you a few choices, including asking whether you need to run or introduce the OS. Pick the previous choice (the last is for OEMs setting up machines for dispersion) and permit the OS to stack. Now you'll be given another sprinkle screen, again giving you the choice to introduce. This time, go for that alternative and stroll through the wizard: Choose a fitting console design, settle on a standard establishment (which incorporates applications, for example, LibreOffice) and advise the installer to wipe the hard drive and dedicate it totally to Ubuntu. 

The wizard will likewise check for accessible Wi-Fi networks. It's a smart thought to interface with your organization now, and to permit the installer to download drivers for media and different gadgets, so the OS is completely functioning when it's introduced. There are reports of Linux establishments experiencing issues reconnecting to the remote organization once they have finished, however, so on the off chance that you have an Ethernet port on your PC, it wouldn't damage to have a link prepared, just on the off chance that you have to utilize it following the following reboot. 

The establishment should take around 20 minutes on an ongoing PC. When the method is done, restart the PC, eliminate the USB stick when provoked (not previously), and permit Ubuntu for sure. Venture through the primary use wizard and you'll quickly be welcomed by the standard Ubuntu work area. Presently you're prepared to begin tweaking the interface to actualize the natural Windows 7 look and feel. 

Introduce Cinnamon 

It's entirely conceivable to modify the standard Gnome work area that is introduced with Ubuntu. In any case, we've discovered you can get a closer estimate to Windows on the off chance that you change to the Cinnamon condition, as utilized as a matter of course on Linux Mint – so how about we start by introducing that. 

To do this, first open the terminal (you can do this by squeezing the Windows key, composing "terminal" and squeezing Return) and update Ubuntu's rundown of bundles by entering the accompanying order: 

sudo well-suited update 

Next, how about we ensure all OS parts are forward-thinking by entering: 

sudo adept redesign 

Reboot with: 

sudo reboot now 

At the point when the PC has restarted, resume the terminal window and introduce Cinnamon with: 

sudo able to introduce cinnamon 

When requested to affirm that you need to continue, press Y and Ubuntu will introduce Cinnamon, alongside the libraries on which it depends. At the point when it's done introducing, log out (there's no compelling reason to reboot); Ubuntu will restore you to the login screen. Here, click your username and enter your secret phrase however, before squeezing Return, click the gear-tooth that showed up in the lower right corner of the screen when you tapped on your client account. You should now be given top-notch of work areas to look over: select Cinnamon and press Return to complete the process of signing in. 

Introduce the Windows 7 subject 

As you'll see, Cinnamon is as of now closer to Windows 7 than Ubuntu's default work area, with a recognizable taskbar and a spring up applications menu rather than Ubuntu's side-mounted launcher. 

Cosmetically, however, it's very unique. To change this, download the most recent form of the B00merang Project's Windows 7 topic. Ubuntu will inquire as to whether you need to extend the file or spare it; we recommend you spare it, so you don't have to rehash the download should you have to get to it once more. 

Presently open another record route window (by tapping the organizer symbol on the taskbar), and snap Home in the sidebar to bounce to your client record's home catalog. Of course, this lone shows you noticeable documents – no went before by a dab – so press Ctrl+H to uncover your concealed records. You should now observe many more things in the rundown, including an envelope called .topics and another called .symbols (all in lower case). 

In the event that these organizers don't exist, don't freeze: You can without much of a stretch make them yourself. To do as such, right-click in any unfilled region of the window and pick Create New Folder from the menu. Enter the names as above (once more, in lower case), not neglecting to incorporate the "." before each name. 

Presently, change to your Downloads envelope and double-tap the ZIP you downloaded from the B00merang Project interface above. This shows the substance of the file yet doesn't quickly separate them. Snap the Extract button on the window title bar and afterward, when given the record pilot, click Home in the sidebar, press Ctrl+H again to uncover your shrouded organizers, and enter the .subjects envelope. Ensure "Keep registry structure" is ticked, and click Extract. A second or so later, Ubuntu will report that the documents were effectively removed. 

Actuate the topic 

Press the Windows key to open Cinnamon's likeness the Start menu, type "topics" and select Themes from the rundown of results. 

The Themes chief will currently open, and ought to naturally recognize the Windows 7 records you've added to your covered up .subjects envelope. Snap the symbols to one side of Window Borders, Controls, and Desktop, and select the Windows 7 choice from every one of the fly-out menus. 


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The progressions will produce results promptly, and you'll be most of the way to a really persuasive Windows 7 experience on Linux. On the off chance that you need, you can leave it there – however, it's conceivable to go further. 

For a certain something, you can change from the default Gnome symbols to a lot of Windows 7-like symbols, which have been made by the B00merang Project to go with the topic. You can download these here: once more, double-tap the downloaded ZIP and snap Extract on the window title bar. This time, when the recorded program shows up, click Home in the sidebar, at that point explore into the covered up .subjects envelope (once more, press Ctrl+H to uncover your shrouded documents on the off chance that they do not appear), at that point click Extract. 

Presently re-visitation of the Themes administrator, click Icons and select Windows-7-Master from the rundown of symbol types. This influences not just essentials like the appearance of an envelope, however applications as well, with the different segments of LibreOffice taking on Microsoft Office-like logos. 

Introduce Windows 7 backdrop and menu 

For the most valid Windows 7 experience you can, in any event, bring the first backdrop across onto Linux. A fast pursuit online will turn up a lot of picture records, including numerous duplicates of the first backdrop hauled straight out of the Windows 7 circulation. At the point when you've discovered a record, you like at an appropriate goal, spare it to your Pictures organizer, limit the entirety of your windows, right-click on the unfilled Desktop and pick Change Desktop Background from the menu. When that is done, explore to your Picture organizer and select the picture you simply spared. You may find that having the correct backdrop goes a shockingly long approach to causing it to feel like you're utilizing Windows 7. 

There's as yet one thing that is not exactly right, notwithstanding. The reproduced Start menu may bear a Windows logo, however when you open it up it looks a ton like the Cinnamon default. You can fix this by introducing the StarkMenu applet. To do this, press the Windows key to open the menu, at that point type "applets" and select Applets from the rundown of results. Snap the Download tab; if this is the first occasion when you've gotten to the Applets chief, it will request that you update the reserve. Allow it to do as such. 

Presently, type "start menu" in the inquiry box and snap the bolt adjacent to CinnVIIStarkMenu to introduce it. Open the applications menu again and you'll see that it currently has a Windows 7 shading plan. 

Presently how about we make the substance more Windows-like. Right-click the Windows logo and pick "Design… " from the setting menu. Change to the Menu tab and snap the switch close to "Show top picks and meeting catches" so it slides to one side. This shrouds the segment of symbols that recently showed up on the left of the menu, as you'll check whether you return the menu. 

You can likewise adjust the menu, and shroud undesirable components to make it all the more intently look like your Windows arrangement. To do this, click "Open the menu manager" and utilize the tickboxes next to each application to show or shroud it. 

At long last, close the menu manager, open the menu itself and type "textual style", before clicking Font Selection in the outcomes. Snap the "Sans Bold 10" catch to one side of "Window title textual style" and change the determination to "Sans Regular" at 9pt, which fits all the more easily inside the application title bar. Occupation did: your Linux establishment may not work indistinguishably from Windows 7, however, we've reproduced a significant part of the look and feel that made it so well known and seemingly perpetual.