Hope K19 Mobile Specifications good


Hope K19 Mobile Specifications

Hope K19 Mobile Battery 20000 mAh❤️👌

_000,20 mAh battery up to 20 days without charging and the device can be used as a power bank

_ Resistance to shock, dust, moisture and rain

A mighty network everywhere

_Very loud sound, supports MP3 and Bluetooth

_Supports 4 SIM cards

_Many languages including Arabic

_ Antenna to strengthen the network in vulnerable areas with no coverage

_Possible to put an internal memory up to 32 GB

_ Very powerful radio and works automatically without any connections and without headphones

_Screen size 2.4 inches

_Strong LED flash light (works even if the mobile is switched off) and a strong red laser

_USB output from which you charge to any USB device

Possibility to change votes

Video Explanation
