Here's Why You Shouldn't Buy Your Child a Smartphone: Experts Say They'll Be Less Intelligent

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Here's Why You Shouldn't Buy Your Child a Smartphone: Experts Say They'll Be Less Intelligent

Do social media and smartphone use have a real impact on young people? The first thing you might think about this is that, in fact, spending the day in front of a screen might not be very good for people who are still developing (mentally and physically). Various studies indicate this, and even Instagram itself has taken action in this regard.

Here's Why You Shouldn't Buy Your Child a Smartphone: Experts Say They'll Be Less Intelligent

However, it seems that things do not end there. As the prestigious Guardian reports , a new study has revealed what many people have already feared: spending all day on a smartphone could ultimately make your child less intelligent. At least, in practical terms, the results are there, and leave little room for doubt.

What is certain is the statistics. The same ones that indicate that mental illness has increased in recent years among teenagers. And, strangely enough, at the same time the popularity of social networks and smartphones has increased.

Now, a study out of China has decided to dig deeper into this topic, from a serious and rigorous point of view. To do so, they spent several years following different young people with one goal: to find out how smartphone use affects them. As many expected, the results were not positive.

The conclusions of the research conducted are conclusive: the use of mobile phones and applications not only significantly reduced students' grades, but also their physical and mental fitness. Moreover, this had a subsequent impact on the professional level: their salaries decreased by 2.3% compared to usual.

New evidence that technology should help make life easier, but it can certainly have dire consequences. In many ways, the smartphone can be a blessing for many things, but in return it can be a curse for some who use it excessively and at an early age.
