7 Websites That Are Games That Will Teach You To Type Faster On The Keyboard

Many of us spend a lot of time in front of the computer and sometimes too much, whether it is for work, a specific hobby or just talking with friends. However, for the texts we write we do not become faster, for this reason we are going to tell you about some applications that will develop your writing skills, increase your productivity and best of all you will enjoy them because they are very fun.
is a website that will serve as a training to increase your typing speed. This application is very simple, it offers a keyboard where it shows you all the keys you press when typing a document.Keyber has very simple exercises and a counter that will tell you the successes or failures you have during the learning process, which looks like a game. thetypingcat This is probably the most fun web application, and it has several options, either improving your typing through a course, playing or testing.
When you enter the course option, you will find several levels: basic, advanced and fun.
In the game level you will face a speed test, where if you register you can see the score your opponents have obtained solving the world. typing club In this application you will face 68 levels that will increase in difficulty as you advance. It has a series of free levels where you will find exercises that are a bit repetitive but that will undoubtedly help you develop more dexterity and speed when typing.
Typing Club, in its premium subscription version, gives us more access to mini-tests, removes ads from the site, saves progress and other perks, however you can still make do with the free version.