How to make the flash read only

How to make the flash read only

Make the flash read-only on any file transfer prevention device for virus protection

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How to make the flash read only

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Making the flash read-only, and the ability to prevent copying and transferring files on it is one of the most important things that guarantee you the safety of your files on your own flash drive.

Imagine that you have a flash drive with important files that you want to display, but you will display them from someone else's device, and you want to protect these files from viruses, it might be This person is not protected, so you want to protect your files, the solution is to make the flash drive read-only, so in this article we will help you to know how to prevent writing on the flash drive, and how to solve the problem that the flash is for reading only if you have this problem as well. Follow our readers to solve this problem.

How to make the flash read only

We will need in this explanation for the application of USB Disk manager is one of the best applications for this purpose for its extreme simplicity and ease of use for this purpose, but the program interface is simple and well-organized so do not get lost inside the application and you can use it easily, except that it is free and does not need to be installed, yes you will download the application once Without you needing to install it, it will be very convenient to use it, so complete the following steps to learn how to use the program and be able to make the flash read-only easily, and vice versa

Business idea

You here will not prevent the flash itself from receiving data, but rather prevent the device from transferring data to the flash drive, this is the idea of ​​the application, so you upload it to the device of the person to whom your flash will be connected, and you execute an order that the flash does not accept files because the device cannot transfer anything on it. Then connect your flash. That is the whole idea

Use USB Disk manager and make the flash read-only

Download the app from the official website from here

After downloading and decompressing, run the program to show its following interface. We need the Write protection tab

We'll start by making the flash read-only. Choose Turn on write protection

Click Ok

Now connect the flash and try to move anything on it

Transfer will fail as shown

Make the flash read and write normally

Run the program to show its following interface. We need to tab the Write protection

To make the flash read and write, choose Turn off write protection

Click Ok

Now connect the flash and try to move anything on it

The transfer will be made without problems