Facebook information that you know and delete it

Facebook information that you know and delete it

This way, you can learn about all the information that Facebook knows about you and delete it against its will!

Facebook information that you know and delete it

Facebook has been involved in several scandals related to leakage of user data, the most famous of which is the Cambridge Analytica case.Which exploded for the first time in early 2018 when it was revealed that Cambridge Analytica had collected personal data about millions of people through the Facebook network, especially without taking their consent, and in order to use it for politically oriented advertising purposes. 

The series of elections that take place in the United States of America, and the succession of information leaks to which not only governmental organizations and financial institutions are exposed as in the past, but also individuals, and in light of the escalation of digital privacy violations with the frequency of this moment.

it is imperative to adhere to the instructions of reliable security authorities, including Monitor your account and set up two-factor authentication when you want to register for your favorite services and be careful not to engage in suspicious sites, and in this post we will share with you an Ethi website service that will help you access all the information that you know about you, the Facebook company, and an option to delete it permanently.

First, you will go to this link to first download the file that includes the data that Facebook knows about you, but before that, make sure that the file format is: JSON

Then uncheck the "Pictures and Videos" option from the list in order not to upload it with the file

For Media Quality, choose Low

After performing all the previous steps, you will upload your data file which will take some time, by the way.

After the file upload is completed, you will upload it through the option that appears in the image, and the site will encrypt that data before downloading it, and then display a list of all sites or services that contain your data with an option to delete and remove it.

Website link .