The best Android apps that have the best design according to Google

The best Android apps that have the best design according to Google

Once again before the end of the year, Google selected the winning apps for Best Design Awards, which select those apps with the best design based on the aesthetic lines outlined by the multi-dimensional design guidelines.

The best Android apps that have the best design according to Google

This year, Google has picked winners based on three categories: dark theme, motion use, and personalization based on material lines. Without further ado, let's see the 2025 Design Awards Winners.

Mooi : The best design

Google has chosen the web app for this decoration store as the winner in the design category based on material pattern.

According to Google, it features a focus on aesthetic fundamentals to create an immersive experience, where colors, typography and scale work in harmony to provide a balance between expressiveness and practicality.

Epsy : best app with animations and animations

The winning app in the Best Animation category is Epsy. It is an application for people suffering from epilepsy, and Google has chosen it for its way to use movement in a targeted way, and to guide users through critical tasks to improve their quality of life.

Kayak : Best dark look

Another app that is much better known than its predecessors is KAYAK, which was chosen by Google as the winner in the Best Dark Look category at the Material Design Awards.

Among them stands out the meticulous use of the brand's signature orange color, which is used to emphasize some of the most important elements of the interface, while keeping most of the space in dark colors.

These were the best apps that got the best design on Android in 2020 as defined in Google's Material Design fonts.