China begins driverless smart car tests on the streets of Beijing

China begins driverless smart car tests on the streets of Beijing

China begins driverless smart car tests on the streets of Beijing

Technology applications are accelerating in normal life, as its applications have become part of all areas of life, and the transportation industry has been at the forefront in these areas for some time, and in this regard the fashion for self-driving cars has become one of the common things in the past period, but it is still in a stage the exams.

And the United States of America was the first destination for self-driving car experiments in the world, but in China this type of car is also being developed, as it revealed the beginning of experiments for this type of car in real conditions, that is, in huge and crowded city roads such as The Chinese capital, Beijing.

And behind this project is Baidu, the Chinese version of the American company Google. According to the available news, the Chinese company will start testing five smart cars "Baidu Apollo" in the streets of the capital, Beijing, and this will take place on the main roads and streets, but it is always necessary. Availability of a driver on board to move in case of necessity, before drivers are gradually pulled from behind the steering wheel as experiences evolve.

Baidu experts will also be able to control the car remotely via the Remote Driving Service control system that works by means of 5G technology, and these are not the only experiments on self-driving cars in China, but with their multiplicity, the matter opens the door towards the spread of this type of Technology.