Where is my toolbar in Firefox

Where is my toolbar in Firefox

Where is my toolbar in Firefox

In the event that you use expansions with Mozilla Firefox and might want to add or eliminate augmentation symbols from the toolbar, it's as simple as simplified utilizing Mozilla's Customize Firefox work. Or on the other hand, you can rapidly eliminate a symbol with a right-click. Here's the manner by which to do it.

To start with, open "Firefox." In any window, right-click the Firefox toolbar and select "Redo." (Alternately, you can tap the cheeseburger menu button and select "Modify" from the menu that shows up.)

In the “Customize Firefox” tab that opens, you’ll see a list of items that can be dragged to the toolbar. You can also drag items from the toolbar into that list, removing them from the toolbar.

If you’d like to remove an extension icon from the toolbar, click and drag it into the list area.

If you want to add an extension icon to the toolbar, locate its icon in the list area and drag it into the toolbar.

When you’re satisfied with your toolbar layout, click “Done,” and the “Customize Firefox” tab will close. Your changes will be saved.
How to Quickly Remove an Extension Icon from the Firefox Toolbar

To quickly remove an extension from the toolbar in Firefox, right-click the extension’s icon in the toolbar and select “Remove from Toolbar.”

The toolbar icon will disappear. If you want to get it back, you’ll need to right-click the toolbar, select “Customize,” then drag the extension icon from the list into your toolbar. (This procedure is covered in the section above.) Happy customizing!
