Keyboard shortcut I was surprised why I didn't know it years ago Everyone should know it

Over the years, Windows has improved its operating system to make its users' lives easier, incorporating shortcuts and functions that most users often go unnoticed. In other cases, these functions have been around since Windows 95... and even then, they are also unknown to many users.
So, when a Reddit user posted a shortcut that would allow you to instantly open the properties of a file or folder without resorting to contextual menus, he was surprised by the many comments:
“I can’t believe it: I’ve been using Windows for years, and I always right-click, look for "properties,” and click. I developed that muscle memory a long time ago, but on ALT+double-click it’s so good. Much better. Thank you very much.
What does ALT+ double click do?
In simple terms, ALT+double-click quickly opens the properties of a file, folder, shortcut, or program in Windows. When executed, instead of opening the file or folder as a traditional double-click would, this combination displays a window containing the basic details of the selected object.
How does it work?
The procedure is very simple, and this is what you have to do:
Select a file, folder, or shortcut in Windows Explorer.
Hold down the ALT key.
Double-click the item while holding down ALT.
Doing so will open the properties window corresponding to the selected item.
* Why use ALT+double-click instead of context menu?
- Speed: Reduces the time required to access properties, because, by bypassing the context menu, users can directly access the properties of the file or folder in question.
Efficiency: Reduces redundant interaction with the context menu; additionally, if you are working with multiple files, it reduces the repetitive mouse movements and pauses needed to load said menu over and over again.
- Compatibility: Although it is more relevant to Windows 11, this trick also works perfectly on Windows 10 and earlier versions.