This is the solution you have when Windows 10 support ends

There’s little left to abandon Windows 10 after support for the operating system ends. But alternatives are starting to emerge that could be the answer to what’s next. And Google could have one of the most interesting things to offer.
Windows 10 support will end on October 14, 2025, which means the ticking clock is getting louder and louder, because once we get to January, we will start to see how the months go by at breakneck speed. That’s why it’s important to think about solutions. If we’re using Windows 10 and intend to continue using the same computer, Google may have a solution.
If you’re determined to keep using your PC and can’t upgrade to Windows 11, Google’s ChromeOS Flex might be a good option. This operating system is making good progress to become an increasingly popular alternative. The advantage is that it’s based on Google’s cloud tools, which you’re probably used to in some way. It’s free and offers a good range of technology options that will grow gradually over time.
Its use is dynamic and simplified. You probably already know this operating system because it is the one installed on Chromebooks and other devices. It aims high and seems to be one of the most interesting platforms in the future, so installing it on our computer might be a good idea. In terms of functionality, it is not on par with Windows, which is difficult to match, but it defends itself with a good set of programs and applications. Furthermore, one of its most positive aspects is that it is very light and consumes resources that do not require any effort at all.
You may be wondering if ChromeOS Flex is actually compatible with your computer. Or maybe you have seen the list on their website and, without seeing your device, you think you can’t install it or it’s not compatible. The good news we can give you is that the list is not final. It supports a huge number of computers. The process is not complicated and requires you to use the ChromeOS Flex image to install, a process in which you may need to use Rufus and a USB drive. When installing it, test that everything works fine, and above all, keep in mind that ChromeOS Flex is only compatible with x64 devices.
Goodbye Windows on my old computer. With this free operating system, it now looks like new
If this Google alternative doesn’t convince you, perhaps because it’s not yet popular, you can resort to installing Linux. But the main problem with Linux is that the change compared to Windows 10 may be too sudden or complicated for you. If neither of these options convinces you, you can first wait until October, when Windows 10 receives updates. From that date onwards, you will have the opportunity to continue receiving security patches for up to three years by making an annual payment.
As a fallback to these ideas, another option is to install Windows 11 on incompatible computers, although Microsoft has already made it clear that this is not exactly a good idea. Finally, of course, you can always say goodbye to your current computer and buy a new one running Windows 11. Fortunately, it’s good to see that options are still emerging and that users will have the power to decide, to some extent, what they want to do.