Be careful when getting too close to the router because you will lose a good connection Keep this distance at least

To have a good Wi-Fi connection, distance will be very important. Make sure not to be too far from your router or repeater. If the signal is too weak, you will have problems achieving good speed, stability, and the ability to connect certain devices. Now, what happens if you connect too close? Yes, it can also be a problem. We will talk to you about why and explain to you the minimum distance you should maintain.
Connecting devices wirelessly is becoming more common. We have many home automation devices, as well as computers, mobile phones or televisions, and we connect them wirelessly to the network. This makes it necessary to analyze the connection well and know the factors that can affect it and how to improve it.
- Be careful when getting too close to the router.
We can say that standing right next to the router can also be a problem in getting a good Wi-Fi connection. We are talking about a very close distance from the router. If you have a device right next to the router, it can cause problems for several reasons. One of them is the monopolization of the signal intensity. This can affect other devices that you want to connect to the network. Additionally, it can cause the signal to be distributed unevenly and even cause interference. All of this can cause a weak connection and not reach any other device that you have connected properly.
You should also keep in mind that it is not a good idea to place a computer, as well as any other device, right next to the router to generate heat. This will negatively affect the device. This can cause it to overheat, which can lead to power outages and failure to have a good connection. So what is the optimal location? The ideal solution is to not place any device less than 30 cm away from the router. For example, if you are going to place a computer or a TV, which can generate a lot of heat, moving them one meter away from the router would be better.
It should be taken into account that starting with the Wi-Fi 4 standard when MIMO technology appeared, the signal and real speed of Wi-Fi clients have been greatly improved when we are at medium distances, it is not necessary to be close to the router to get a good wireless signal. However, it is logical that the closer we are reasonably, the higher the speed we will achieve, especially if we are using the 5 GHz or 6 GHz bands that attenuate much faster than the 2.4 GHz band. Another feature of the current Wi-Fi network is Beamforming technology, this technology allows us to "focus" the wireless signal on clients, with the aim of providing them with greater real coverage and, therefore, better Wi-Fi speed.
In short, it is not a good idea to place devices too close to the router, just as it is not good for them to be too far away. Keep the advice we have given in mind and you will ensure that the connection improves and you can achieve the appropriate speed. Sometimes it may be useful to change the router, although the main thing is to configure it correctly.